The Gut and Skin Clinic


Restoring gut flora

Replanting gut flora with probiotics is a philosophy of wellbeing that has become important to many.  


What is Candida?

 Candida might be thought of as a gut flora weed that overgrows in the bowel. Candida overgrowths are believed to be the number one form of imbalanced gut flora caused by anti-biotic usage. 


Many people believe that a simple way of understanding gut health is liking the gut to a garden. When you take an anti-biotic, you are taking a substance that might be compared to weed killer in a real garden.  Of course taking medications is necessary at times. But as a restorative exercise afterwards, some people believe in caring for the gut in much the same way that a gardener would his garden after he his cause to spray it with weed-killer. 


If the gardener has a need to spray weed killer on the garden in order to kill one weed, he expects to have more work to do later. Therefore, he is not shocked when the entire garden dies. Many people say that is comparable to what happens in your gut garden after you have cause to take an anti-biotic to kill off a bug. 


Anti-biotic and Pro-biotic


You take the anti-biotic (anti-bacteria) to kill one bacteria, but like weed killer, it does not discriminate. So it kills all the plants; good and bad.  This is as a very simple way of understanding how imbalanced gut flora happens, according to some.  Most people will have taken an anti-biotic at some time in their life. That is why it makes perfect sense to follow up all required prescribed medication – and as a general good wellbeing practice – with a course of probiotics. 


Probiotic Implants Enemas

Some people chose to add probiotic implants to their gut health and wellbeing programmes with the aim of targeting imbalanced gut flora, and in the hope of removing it. This seems like good advice and certainly many leading gut health authors believe that a combination of gut flora microbiome, oral probiotics and gut flora implantation enemas directly into the bowel are a beneficial combination when it comes to optimising wellness when combined with healthy lifestyle and dietary changes. 


Some people call candida the thistle of the gut garden. When there has been a period illness, and the use of repeated meds are necessary, or when there has been ongoing use of anti-biotics, or exposure to some other environmental toxin, gut flora is effected adversely.  If comparing the gut garden to a real garden, the analogy of a weedy garden could be thought of as a way of understanding gut dysbiosis.  After a gardener has used weed killer, they might notice that although all the plants are dead, some  large thistles and weeds  survived the spraying, and have appeared after a period of time,  and seem to be growing proudly, taking over in the absence of other plants which would formerly have kept them in check naturally (symbiosis). 

But why do the weeds grown when the other plants die? 

There is an old saying; that which does not kill makes stronger. It seems those weeds are now more tough and resilient than before. They did not die completely like the other plants did when they were sprayed with weed killer in the garden.   In the bowel (gut), one weed that appears to have become most resilient is said to be candida. It is believed that this natural gut flora – because it is more resilient than other gut flora – takes over the bowel in the absence of the other gut floras which have been killed off by the anti-biotic. In the absence of other plants, the candida has all the space it needs to grow abundantly, and without restriction. This is a simplified way of understanding gut flora symbiosis and dysbiosis. 

Is Candida bad?

No. Candida has a job too. Its job is to remove heavy metals in the body. So, it has its place. It is a useful thing. The problem occurs when it takes over. Like all things that are imbalanced, problems result. This is when you will notice problems like white tongue in the morning, thought to be a sign of imbalanced gut flora in a gut. 


 If there was a lovely garden with many plants growing in it, and if it was sprayed because of the presence of one bad weed that needed to be controlled – perhaps equivalent to incorrect or overuse of anti-biotics; and if now the entire garden was dead, but we had another problem – that of thistles and weeds – what could be done? A gardener might pull those weeds out before putting in the new seeds to restore balance.  Some people believe that colonics can help remove candida because they think of it as a similar situation to an overgrown garden.  And they believe it may be a useful wellbeing initiative especially when done in tandem with taking probiotics; which could be thought of as the good seeds of the gut garden. 


If you have Candida, you may have a white tongue in the morning. Many believe that Candida does not grow on your tongue but that it mainly populates in the gut (aka bowel), and that the reason that you notice it – especially in the morning after a nights sleep – is that you have not been swallowing saliva. They think of what you see on your tongue as the tip of the iceberg because it is believed by some that the root of the candida is in the gut. 

What to do about candida and imbalanced gut flora.

Ask some experts and they will tell you to go ahead and take a course of probiotics, and that is good advice.  Others believe that there is more to do than taking probiotics. Continuing with the analogy of the gut as a garden, think of it is this way. 

 A bunch of seeds  thrown into a garden that is infested with thistles and nettles wont do much good. Any sensible gardener would pull those excess weeds out first. So they put on their rubber gloves and they get into the garden and they begin to pluck those overzealous  weeds right from the root.  Of course, they will never get all the weeds. But they take away just the obvious ones with the idea that when they plant the new seeds, there will be a certain amount of balance. 

Some people undergo colonics, and they also take probiotics in the hope that doing this in combination with probiotic implant enemas might get rid of some of the candida that is said to line to bowel wall. They believe that following up the colonic with probiotic implant in combination with oral probiotics very likely has a better effect, and gives more of a chance for the gut good flora to grow, because room has been made for it.  They aim to see improvements to gut health and skin when  this is done in combination with dietary and lifestyle changes. 


If you are interested in improving gut health at home, you might wish to consider investing in a V-MAT Infra Red Biomat, a home care infra-red device which uses amethyst and infra
red to produce heat with the aim of soothing cramps, back pain and boosting peristalsis of the gut.